
The Commercial, Industrial and Business Association of Ponta Grossa – ACIPG – was founded on June 18, 1922, and is one of the oldest in southern Brazil.
In 2007, it acquired the building adjacent to the current headquarters. With the unification of structures, service to members was expanded and improved, which allowed for the expansion of services provided and the creation of new sectors. The expansion of the physical structure is only a consequence of the work carried out over 85 years of active participation by ACIPG in the life of Ponta Grossa.
Among its main objectives is the constant struggle for the socio-economic development of the municipality and the quality of life of its citizens. Thus, ACIPG intends to continue the dynamic construction of its own history, integrated to the history of the community in which it operates, leaving the mark of associativism at each time as a preponderant factor for economic, cultural and social development and equally in the various sectors of the society.

Created in the 1970s, Sebrae supports the decisions of entrepreneurs, potential entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs, in the countryside and in the city, because it is the institution that understands small businesses and has the largest service network in the country.
In Paraná, it has six regional offices and 12 offices. The institution reaches 399 municipalities through Entrepreneur Service Points, Entrepreneur Rooms and local partners, such as associations, unions, cooperatives, public and private bodies.
Sebrae/PR offers lectures, guidance, training, training, projects, programs and business solutions, with a focus on entrepreneurship and management; high potential and potential companies; entrepreneurial education; startups; leadership; and business environment

Business Union of Hospitality and Gastronomy of Campos Gerais
SEHG Campos Gerais is an employers' union, affiliated to the Brazilian Federation of Accommodation and Food (FBHA), with the objective of serving hotels and gastronomy in various aspects, in addition to carrying out actions that ensure its representativeness.
It collaborates with public authorities in the development of social solidarity, and with the State as a technical and consultative body.
It has been expanding its range of products and services, formalizing new agreements, partnerships and agreements, always seeking to obtain better results for the entrepreneur.

The Association of Municipalities of Campos Gerais (AMCG) is a municipal and micro-regional representation body, constituted in the form of a non-profit civil society.
It comprises 19 municipalities in the Campos Gerais Region and its main objective is regional, economic and administrative integration, seeking to strengthen municipalities, defending their interests, aiming at economic and social development.
The Campos Gerais Municipalities Association is an entity dedicated to the promotion of regional development, created to give political strength to the region since the 1960s. Your affiliation with this entity will strengthen your municipality and region.
It promotes training, enables a closer dialogue with state and federal agencies, in addition to providing technical support in the preparation of regional development projects and municipal works.

fuels - PR
It was in 1956, when Curitiba had few posts, around 50, that some dealers decided to found an association, with the objective of strengthening and keeping the class together.
In the following year, the entrepreneurs realized that the support and representation work of the category could be expanded and made an application to the Ministry of Labor, so that the Association could become a union representing the category.
On October 31, 1957, the Ministry decreed the request and the Association became the Union of Retail Trade in Fuels and Minerals of Curitiba.
Today it is called the Union of Retail Trade of Fuels, Petroleum Derivatives, Natural Gas, Biofuels and Convenience Stores in the State of Paraná.

Ponta Grossa State University – UEPG
A 45-year history in the Brazilian higher education scene reflects the excellence of the State University of Ponta Grossa. Created in 1969 by the state government, it is headquartered in Ponta Grossa, the hub of Campos Gerais, in the Center-South region of Paraná. Land of drovers, Vila Velha and no-till. Industrial, commercial, tourist and cultural center that integrates close to one million people.
As a public and quality higher education institution, UEPG competently fulfills its mission of promoting teaching, research and extension. At graduation, there are 38 on-site courses, involving approximately eight thousand students. Through distance education, with a model system in the country, it is present in 40 support centers in Paraná, Santa Catarina and São Paulo, reaching more than three thousand in seven undergraduate courses and one bachelor's degree.
In graduate studies, it offers 12 on-site and distance specialization courses; 20 academic master's courses; two professional master's courses; and nine doctorates, involving more than two thousand five hundred students.

Campos Gerais Tourism Development Agency – Adetur
The Tourism Development Agency of Campos Gerais (Adetur Campos Gerais) is a non-profit entity, formed by participants from the private sector, government and third sector, being recognized by the Ministry of Tourism as a Regional Governance Instance - IGR - responsible organization for the planning and execution of the tourism development process at a regional level, as well as for the political, economic and social decision-making, being formed by the public power, private initiative and third sector.
The objective of Adetur Campos Gerais is to develop tourism in a participatory and organized way, through the mobilization of partners and the integration of actors who work to stimulate and strengthen the tourist flow in the municipalities, generating employment and income, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life in the communities involved.