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The communication of the Ponta Grossa Campos Gerais Convention & Visitors Bureau is made by Yukê Comunicação, a company located in Ponta Grossa with Krysla Rodrigues, as art director, and Wilian Ferreira, as communication director.

Wilian E-mail:

Krysla E-mail:

Marcelo Amaral

executive manager

Marcelo Amaral is a national tourism guide, from Senac-PR, technician in hotel administration from the European Center - Curitiba and specialist in hotel administration from Universidade Positivo - Curitiba.

He has experience in large national hotel chains, such as the Mercure/Parthernon chain, the Acoor chain and 10 years in the Barbur Hotels chain.

At Ponta Grossa Campos Gerais Convention & Visitors Bureau, he acts as executive manager, in the area of ​​institutional relationship with associates, event capture and research, and internal management.

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